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Our Committee
Our committee is made up of dedicated people who volunteer their time to organise events, maintain new members and social media as well as coordinate our annual national pointscore event.

Steven Roberts
I've been involved in the sport of Sled dog racing in Queensland since 2003 in which time I have seen the sport grow and new breeds of dogs bought into the sport. Over time the faces in the club change and also the dogs may change but the core value of the club remains the same it's about having fun with your dogs safely.
*Trail blazer

vice president
Matt Rozam
I immersed myself in the world of the sport two years ago. Initially, I dedicated a year to volunteering on the sidelines, actively contributing and observing the dynamics of the activities. However, in 2023, I took a more hands-on approach, actively participating in events and thoroughly enjoying my time alongside my four-legged companion!

Amy Rodgers
I have been around for a little while now, and it has been an interesting journey. I have travelled to multiple events across Aus and look forward to heading to WA in 2024. It I love the sport and the club. It has been a great opportunity to meet new like-minded people!
*Pointscore coordinator
*Northern Challenge coordinator

Ebony Powell
I started in the sport in 2014 with my parents and 2 huskies. I instantly fell in love with the sport, adopted 2 more dogs along the way and got my first alaskan husky in 2022!. This sport has taken me to Victoria, NSW and New Zealand. I have made so many friends and I am proud to be on the committee, shaping the sport, introducing new members and giving tips to Juniors like I was!
*Fundraising coordinator

Assistant Secretary
Breeze Hunter
I have been involved in the sport for 2 years now, and I haven't raced yet! 2024 is my year to race!
We do lots of dog sports so we decided to join dryland sleddog racing.

Ingrid King
My first husky, Maya needed something apart from chewing garden hoses and pipes so I sent her to Wagtails where I met Flick. She encouraged me to give NEGRC a try out and I have been involved ever since. I got another husky Anuk and NEGRC has given me many opportunities to have fun with my dogs - doing what they were bred to do in a supportive and welcoming club!

Robert Delaney
My first love of arctic breeds was when I looked after my brother's husky for a week many, many years ago. But then I discovered the Alaskan Malamute and knew that this was the breed for me. Highlights over the years are going to the snow and competing in the races in Victoria a must do trip for any new mushers. I have been a member of NEGRC for over 20 years and look forward to seeing you all out on the trail.
*Trail Blazer

Chi Noach
I started sledding in 2023. My husband, Mitch, had the sport mentioned to us by our dog trainer. I was a bit unsure when I was at an expo, as it was overwhelming for my little brain. But when I saw our dogs loving the experience, we knew we made a good call trying sledding.

Mitch Noach
I started sledding in 2023. My wife. Chi, and I were exploring different activities for our dogs to burn off some energy. Turns out they absolutely love it.

mushers delegate
Wayne Baker
As the mushers delegate Wayne is there to bring to the table any comments, questions or concerns the members' may have. While members are able to attend meetings and speak directly with the committee, sometimes they want their voice to be anonymous.
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